
A Pale Pink Dawn

A journalist who looks fairly out of place in the city she is in; yet she is someone who carries herself with enviable ease, someone for whom being out of place isn’t much of a bother. And then there’s her friend too. So, what do these two women do? Preeti Madhusudhan tells you a story that’s set in Chennai.

Hide and Seek

Amrita Sarkar offers an interesting perspective to the theme, ‘My Place My Soul’ through her art. It’s about seeking destinations.

The Great Indian Cynical Class

For most Indians, India is more than just a country. We share a certain connect with our nation that extends beyond just nationality. The feeling ‘My country’ is one that exists at an emotional level. Having said that, is the Great Indian Middle Class that’s at the heart of India’s economic boom also the one that cribs about India’s supposed ills? What do they think of India? Bijesh Krishnadas shares his opinion.

Sunset at the Great Salt Lake

Arnab Rudra captures the beautiful sunset at the Great Salt Lake in Utah.

Ripples in Jaipur

Two women who meet in Jaipur begin to understand each other through small conversations. Where does it go from there? Parvathi Jayamohan weaves a tale.

Coin Purse

Coins in a purse could subtly indicate something too. Rashmee Karnad-Jani pens a poem.

Little Joys at Marine Drive

Anupama Krishnakumar has fond memories of Marine Drive in Mumbai for the little joys that it has offered her every time she has been there. Her words do all the talking in this piece. Read on.

Of Places and Fond Memories

As children, most of us would have visited various places, some of which may have left indelible marks on us, so much so that even as we grow up, the pleasant memories of these visits come back to haunt us. Swetha Ramachandran’s recollection of the places she has visited as a kid is sure to leave you feeling nostalgic. More than anything else, read it for the childish delight that pervades this article.

Bye Bye Ahmedabad

Sandhya Ramachandran loves Ahmedabad for reasons more than one. It’s a place that has taught her many things and has given her a truckload of memories. Catch her sharing her feelings for the city that has given her priceless wings. Sandhya also promises some bonus. She picks some moments in her train journey from Ahmedabad back home – a short piece that will make you say, ‘Oh yes, I have been there too!’.