
To a Waitress

by Satish Pendharkar

[box]She is a woman who is bold, a woman who daringly meets the challenges that life throws at her everyday. She is the woman who serves the food and wine. Satish Pendharkar writes an ode to a waitress.[/box]

Girl, what can be more cruelwine
Than your having to serve
A wretch, destined for hell
Who does not an iota of pity deserve?

You are alive, a purling forest stream
You rise up, look life in the face
I, the remnant of a shattered dream
Do plummet, seeking a hiding place.

And is it not a vagary that Fate
Should our paths so contrastingly define?
A repast of labour in your plate;
In my hands a goblet of wine?

We are both humans in every way
But there the similarity does end
Your folks fritter your money away
My royal inheritance I do frenziedly spend.

Satish Pendharkar lives in Mumbai and writes occasionally. His poems have appeared in Maverick, Amaranthine Muses etc. His short stories have been published in Savvy and Alive.

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